‘Kingdom: The Crown Prince’ Spin-Off Reportedly in Development at Netflix

‘Kingdom: The Crown Prince’ Spin-Off Reportedly in Development at Netflix

Kingdom is far and away and away one among the foremost popular Korean language Netflix Originals, and arguably the foremost recognizable South Korean title on Netflix. Netflix says the title has become a “beloved story” in Korea and beyond Kingdom already has two seasons to its name, and with fans ravenous for more, Netlfix is whetting their appetites with “Kingdom: Ashin of the North” on July 23rd, 2021.

With a 3rd season still in limbo, fans are going to be delighted to find out that a replacement spin-off episode is rumored to be in development at Netflix. Newsen reported that on June 29th, 2021 a politician from Netflix confirmed that another Kingdom special are going to be produced, but Netflix has since taken the stance that “nothing has been decided.”

What this might mean is Netflix could be expecting the subscriber’s response to the upcoming Kingdom: Ashin of the North before making a choice on any longer spin-offs. If the spin-off proves to be as popular as we expect, then we definitely expect to ascertain more of Kingdom in some capacity within the future.

What could Kingdom: The prince be about?

A tremendous amount of characters died throughout Kingdom, but thankfully a number of our favourite heroes survived to fight another day.

In particular, Yeong-shin, the prolific imperial tiger hunter, was a lover favorite amongst many, and one many fans would like to see more of in action. With Kingdom: Ashin of the North introducing undead animals into the combination , like tigers, who better to hunt undead beasts than Yeong-shin,

We could also follow Jo Bum Pal, the magistrate for Dongnae. The last we saw of Jo Bum Pal was when he was given possession of Seo Bi’s journal by Yeong-shin Lastly, we may even see more of the young prince Yi Chang, who still has the virus lying dormant within him.

The first rumors/reports we’ve seen of a replacement spinoff was back in late June 2021 which reports that the new title are going to be helmed by scriptwriter Kim Eun-hee and can see the return of Ju Ji Hoon.

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