Afghanistan: Sniper trained by British special forces ‘shot dead by Taliban’ a day after requesting help

Afghanistan: Sniper trained by British special forces ‘shot dead by Taliban’ a day after requesting help

Rafi Hottak, a former Afghan interpreter who worked with British unit that found out and trained Afghanistan’s elite Commando Force 333 (CF333), said he received the voice message on Sunday.

He told Sky News the sniper had said: “I have already sent you my documents. Let me know if you would like anything . confirm i’m on your list. Thank you.”

Mr Hottak has compiled an inventory of some 400 names of Afghan Special Forces members, largely from the 333 group, who are still stranded in Afghanistan and fear for his or her life.

He submitted the list to the united kingdom government on Monday night, urging ministers to rescue the personnel and their families – though he said any action will come too late for the sniper.

“He was shot because he was a part of 333,” Mr Hottak said.

The sniper, a sergeant, 28, was married with three children. Sky News isn’t revealing his name for security reasons.

He had been doggo at a relative’s house, but had stepped bent visit a close-by shop.

That was where the Taliban found him on Monday afternoon, consistent with Mr Hattock, who had spoken to people in Kabul with knowledge of the attack.

Mr Hottak said he was shot fourfold .

A second source, with knowledge of the incident, claimed: “The Taliban have started a programme of eliminating Special Forces-trained guys. this is often why we must still pressure the united kingdom government to barter the evacuation of our comrades from Afghanistan.”

As a part of this effort, Mr Hottak had already decided to use his contacts to collect the names of all the members of CF333 stuck in Afghanistan.

That was why, he said, the sergeant had reached bent him.

Mr Hottak said he sent a primary audio message to him on 29 August.

It said: “Rafi brother, i’m one among the 333s. i’m sure you remember me. once we call someone brother, we stay brothers until death takes us apart. I hope you’re doing well, and your family is ok .”

Mr Hottak said that the members of CF333, which was found out , trained and supported by the Special Air Service and therefore the Special Boat Service, had been at the sharp end of the fight against the Taliban – when the Taliban was the enemy.

Its members also went after targets from extremist groups like Islamic State and al-Qaeda – operations that helped keep the streets of the united kingdom safe, also as Afghan streets.

“These individuals and their families accepted the danger and danger and didn’t leave you alone therein war,” Mr Hottak wrote during a covering letter with the list that he sent to Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, Home Secretary Priti Patel, and Defence Secretary Ben Wallace.

“But today the whole country is under the control of the very terrorist organization they need fought with. With the Taliban in power, they’re going to be hunted down with many killed and tortured,” the letter – which has been seen by Sky News – said.

Mr Hottak said the death of the sergeant demonstrates that the threat is real and immediate.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence said the department was looking into reports of the killing.

“UK soldiers were ready to evacuate over 15,000 people from Kabul during Operation Pitting under extremely challenging circumstances,” the spokesperson said.

“Our commitment to Afghanistan and people who supported our mission there endure. Regrettably, we weren’t ready to evacuate everyone within the limited time we had available. we’ll still work with international partners to make sure they need safe passage out of Afghanistan.”

But Mr Hottak, who worked as an interpreter for British Special Forces before fleeing to the united kingdom a decade ago due to death threats from the Taliban, said more must be done to assist those whose lives are in peril.

“Now is that the time for the united kingdom government to try to to the proper thing, to guard and save all those that were our close friends and allies,” he wrote in his letter to ministers.

“It may be a duty of the united kingdom government to save lots of them and evacuate them.”

Mr Hottak compiled the list after putting out an invitation across social media sites and WhatsApp groups for anyone who worked for or with British forces to contact him.

As well because the names of around 400 members, largely of CF333, his list also includes the names of just about 300 former interpreters and other locally employed staff who worked for British troops and diplomats in Afghanistan.

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