Surgeons tried to sell X-ray victims of Bataclan as NFT

Surgeons tried to sell X-ray victims of Bataclan as NFT

A French senior surgeon faces legal action and the possibility of discipline costs after trying to sell X-rays of a concert audience who was shot during the 2015 attack at Bataclan Music Hall in Paris.
Emmanuel Masmejean orthopedic surgeon, who practiced at Pompidou Georges General Hospital in Southwest Paris, was first reported by the Mediapart website on Saturday to sell X-ray images as digital artwork, without patient approval.

The picture shows the arm containing Kalashnikov bullets and sells for around 2,776 dollars (2,446 euros) on the Opensea website, which specializes in what is called NFT digital images.

Head of Paris General Hospital, Martin Hirsch, wrote on Twitter on Saturday confirming that criminal and professional complaints will be submitted to the surgeon for “embarrassing” and “embarrassing” decisions.

“This action is contrary to healthy professional practices, placing medical confidentiality in danger, and contrary to the values ​​of AP-HP (Paris Hospitals) and public services,” Hirsch wrote in a message sent to the staff, which he shared on Twitter.

Requesting comments by Mediapart, Masmejean admitted that the sale was “error” and said he was sorry not to look for permission from the patient.

He was not identified, but was described as a young woman whose boyfriend was killed in a Bataclan attack, which was part of a wave of shootings and bomb attacks in the capital of the Frenchman by gunmen of the Islamic state who claimed 130 lives.

According to the description of Masmejean about Opensea, the patient “has an open fracture of the left arm with the remaining Kalachnikov bullets in the soft tissue.”

Experienced surgeons, who are professors of operations and a specialist in treating arm injuries, writes that he personally operates on five women victims in Bataclan.

He told Mediapart that he had attracted sales, but the picture was still visible on Sundays.

Punishment –

The life of the victim’s association for Paris said in a statement that “stood beside the victim of the attack that today became a victim of ignorance … by ‘doctor’ who clearly forgotten the code of ethics”.

The second association, brotherhood and truth, criticized “unclean behavior” on Twitter but said it was “isolated and did not represent AP-HP health workers where we had confidence”.

OpenSea specializes in NFT sales, which stands for unworthy tokens.

Using Blockchain technology behind Cryptocurrency, NFTS is a digital artwork that cannot be duplicated.

They exploded into the mainstream last year and now traded at the main auction house, producing several hundred million dollars in transactions every month.

Some have sold for millions of people, including NFT by a digital artist ring that goes below the hammer in Christie in March last year for an eye-watering of $ 69.3 million.

The first SMS has been sent via cellphone in 1992 sold in December as NFT with a Paris auction for 107,000 euros ($ 120,600).

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