‘Not what Western media described’: Imran Khan defends China’s Uyghur Represents

‘Not what Western media described’: Imran Khan defends China’s Uyghur Represents

Imran Khan continued to support China about his policy on Xinjiang, despite the global offer to hold Beijing’s accountability to suppress Uyghur Muslims in the region.

Turning on the eyes of the suppression of Uyghur Muslims in China, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said that the situation in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region ((Xuar) was not what Western media described.

Defending “All-Weather Ally China, Imran Khan in an exclusive interview with Zakaria costs for CNN, said that Pakistani ambassador to China Moinul Haq has visited Xuar and said that the situation there was” not what Western media described. “

Imran Khan, who has long projected himself as the champion of Islam, continued to support China about his policy on Xinjiang, despite the global offer to hold the responsibility of Beijing to suppress Uyghur Muslims in the region.

However, the dependence that developed in China for diplomatic economic assistance and support is the main reason Pakistani leadership has no choice but to openly commit to China’s policy even though they are responsible for the Uyghur Muslim genocide.

Khan supports Beijing on Xinjiang’s problem and also supports the communist regime in the South China Sea as well as the principle of one-Chinese during the 2022 Beijing Olympic first ceremony.

“The Pakistani side reveals” its commitment to one-Chinese policy and support for China in Taiwan, the South China Sea, Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet, “read a shared statement released after the meeting of Imran Khan and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing.

Islamabad provides its support to China about issues relating to Chinese and South China Sea policies, which are seen by the West as arbitrary regulatory policies made by Beijing to foster their expansionist approach.

“The Chinese side reaffirms its support for Pakistan in protecting its sovereignty, independence, and promoting its socio-economic development and its prosperity,” he added.

The support of Islamabad against Beijing on allegations of human rights violations by China in the Xinjiang region came at the time of recent 243 global groups called for action against China for human rights violations in the country.

When questioned about Uyghur Muslim medicine, PM Imran Kahn in moving the fingers pointing to India and said that the comparison of the condemnation of Pakistani against India conducted genocide of innocent people in Kashmir and the problem of Xinjiang was unfair.

“Kashmir is an area that is debated between Pakistan and India and India, ruled by the RSS ideology,” Khan said.

He also warned the war that loomed between the two nuclear countries. “Until the problem of Kashmir was resolved, the fear of the war between the two nuclear powers would remain intact,” Khan said.

Building a narrative against India, installing a minority facade in India. He said, “There is a tragedy opened in India. The RSS ideology has taken over India. How do you deal with it — ideology based on hatred, racial superiority and hatred for Muslims, minorities, Christians, and of course Pakistan.”

Meanwhile, Christians have historically been persecuted, marginalized, and attacked in Pakistan.

In Pakistan, minorities such as Hinduism, Christianity, Ahmaddiyas, and Shias are often harassed and persecuted. In addition, Pakistan leaves due to the General Scheme of the European Union (UE) of the Preferences Scheme plus GSP status proposed to take place this month in Islamabad.

The EU then observed that Pakistan failed to make significant progress in protecting human rights, especially in relation to the country’s controversial blasphemy law, targeting a minority.

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