Isis confirmed the death of the leader, the name of the new head

Isis confirmed the death of the leader, the name of the new head

Quraishi’s death, 45, was another destroyer punch for violence groups after they lost the old leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi in a similar attack in 2019.

Isis confirmed on Thursday the death of his leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Qurayi and spokesman for Abu Hamza Al-Qurayi, and announced Abu Al-Hassan Al-Qurayi as his new head.

Quraishi, a religious scholar and army in the former Saddam Saddam Hussein soldier who was led was from shadows for more than two years, died in the attack of US special forces in North Syria in February when he blew him up and family members, the US government said.

Quraishi’s death, 45, was another destructive blow was two years after the cruel Sunni Muslim group lost the old leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi in a similar attack in 2019.

The group did not deny or confirmed the US narrative and the new one was spokesman, Abu Umar Al Muhajir, said in a speech which was recorded on Thursday that the last battle of Qurayi was in Ghuwayran prison in the northeastern Syrian city of Hasaka.

At least 200 inmates and militants and 30 security forces died in an Islamic state attack on prison in January in an effort to free their members, officials said.

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