In close contact with India, China, France and others about mediation efforts to end the war in Ukraine: Head of the United Nations

In close contact with India, China, France and others about mediation efforts to end the war in Ukraine: Head of the United Nations

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said on Monday that he was closely related to India and a number of other countries in mediation efforts to end the war in Ukraine.

Voicing deep concerns that Ukraine caught fire and the country was destroyed before the eyes of the world, Guterres insisted that it was time to stop the horror released to the Ukrainian people and ride diplomatic and peaceful routes. I have made close contact with a number of countries – including China, France, Germany, India, Israel and Turkey in a mediation effort to end this war, said Guterres to reporters here.

Appeal for peace must be heard. This tragedy must stop. It’s never too late for diplomacy and dialogue. We need a termination of hostility and serious negotiations based on the principles of UN Charter and international law, he said. Guterres say countless innocent people including women and children have been killed.

After being hit by Russian troops, roads, airports and school lying in the ruins. According to WHO, at least 24 health facilities have experienced the attack, he said. Guterres emphasizes that the escalation of war further, whether accidentally or design, threaten all humanity.

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