Biden-architect sanctions in India ahead of the visit of the Minister of Russia

Biden-architect sanctions in India ahead of the visit of the Minister of Russia

WASHINGTON: US Advisers of India-America and the key architect of the economic sanctions of Washington’s sentence against Moscow, Daleep Singh, will arrive in India for a 2-day visit today to discuss the “consequences” “war that is not given” Russia to Ukraine and the development of the economic framework Indo-Pacific, the White House has announced.

Mr Singh’s journey coincided with the visit of the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov who tended to arrive in India on Thursday night or Friday morning after concluding a two-day visit to China, reported the trust of the Indian news agency.

Deputy National Security Advisors for the international economy Daleep Singh will be in New Delhi on March 30 and 31, the White House said on Tuesday.

“(Daleep) Singh will consult closely with colleagues on the consequences of Russian wars that cannot be justified against Ukraine and reduce their impact on the global economy,” said Emily Horne, spokesman for the White House National Security Council.

MS Horne said the top officials will also discuss Biden administration priorities, including high-quality infrastructure promotions through rebuilding a better world and the development of the Indo-Pacific economic framework.

In New Delhi, Mr. Singh will continue the sustainable consultation of the US government with India, and advance various problems in US-India’s economic relations and strategic partnerships.

He will meet Indian officials to deepen cooperation to promote economic growth and inclusive prosperity, and free and open indo Pacific, Ms Horne said.

Preparation for the dialogue of foreign ministers and defense 2 + 2 ‘who will come in Washington next month also tend to look for Mr Singh’s visit. Dialogue tends to take place around April 11.

The Minister of External Affairs S Jaishankar and Defense Minister Rajnath Singh will travel to Washington to hold talks with the Secretary of the US Secretary of the United States and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

The Ukrainian crisis is likely to be the main focus of US official visits to India, people who are familiar with these developments say on Tuesday in New Delhi.

Mr. Singh, 46, is a great great-grandchard Dalip Singh Saund, the first Asian-American elected for Congress. He has a Master of Business Administration and Masters in Public Administration in the International Economic from the Massachusetts Technology Institute and Harvard Kennedy School.

During the Obama administration, he was the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Treasury for International Affairs and Assistant Secretary of Treasury for the Financial Market in Obama Administration.

Mr. Singh was said to be an economic sanctions architect against Russia under the Biden government. Sanctions, so far, has a punishment for the Russian economy.

Mr Singh’s journey planned to India came in the midst of a high profile visit to the country which included the British foreign secretary truss and foreign policy advisors and security Jens Plotner.

While MS Truss will visit India on March 31, Mr. Plotner will pay daily trips to New Delhi on Wednesday.

Unlike many other leading forces, India has not criticized Russia because of the invasion to Ukraine and it was abstained from the sound on the UN platform in condemning Russian aggression.

However, last Thursday, India Abstain at a resolution driven by Russia about the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, which was seen as a reflective of its neutral position in the conflict.

India has been urgent for crisis resolution through diplomacy and dialogue.

Last week, the Minister of External Affairs S Jaishankar said in parliament that India’s position in the Ukrainian conflict had been “steadfast and consistent” and had been seeking imminent violence immediately.

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