Top 5 Beginner Vaping Techniques You Probably Didn’t Know

Top 5 Beginner Vaping Techniques You Probably Didn’t Know

If you’ve recently joined the vaping bandwagon, you’re probably wondering how to make the most of your vaping sessions. Obviously, it will take some time before you can vape like a pro. 

But as a new vaper, there are still numerous techniques you can employ to enjoy each vaping session to the fullest. Below are the top five beginner vaping techniques you should know.

The Waterfall

The waterfall is a beginner vape technique that turns heated vapor into a massive cloud of spectacular, water-like substance cascading down the bottle, just like the regular waterfall. 

How to Practice

  1. Add a tiny amount of water to a small container, preferably a glass bottle, as the container is only a quarter full.
  2. Freeze the water before your next vaping session.
  3. Draw heavy vapor from your vaporizer.
  4. Blow the massive clouds into the frozen water.
  5. Slowly turn the bottle upside down as if to pour its contents out.

NB: Like any vaping technique we’ll discuss in this post, the waterfall trick is only achievable with high-quality vaporizers. That underscores the importance of checking the quality of any CBD vape pen before purchasing it. 

At the very least, only source your vape devices from reputable suppliers who enjoy a reasonably long industry presence. Also, check for reviews from the supplier’s previous clients to learn more about the expected product quality and overall customer experience. 

Better yet, you can simply choose from the vast collection of Vaporesso Xros devices out there. Vaporesso xros pods comes with 800 mah battery and come in various shapes, sizes, and price tags to suit vapers of different needs.

The Dragon

Want to create a wow effect and look cool before your peers? Then this is the perfect beginner vaping technique to try out. 

The idea of the dragon trick is to exhale vapor through your nose as well as the corners of your mouth, like the legendary dragon would breathe fire.

How to Perform

  1. Take a long drag from your vape device.

Don’t hold the vapor too long in your mouth, as you could accidentally swallow some of it. 

This trick looks cooler when blowing out more vapor.

  1. Now, forcefully exhale the vapor through your nose as well as through both corners of your mouth.
  2. As you do this, ensure your lips are tightly closed in the middle.

Liquid Mist

Liquid mist is another exciting beginner vaping technique that you can experiment with. This trick involves creating a mist that can stay on top of your drink for a while. The point is to make the mist linger on top of the drink long enough to look like some magic spell. 

The fact that drinks are involved makes the liquid mist technique suitable for pulling in a club or at a party with friends. It’s an ingenious way to look cool, even if you’ve recently turned to vape. 

How to Practice

  1. Pick a glass, preferably one with a wider diameter, such as those used for whiskey or martini.
  2. Fill the glass with a drink.
  3. Enjoy the drink until the glass is half-full.
  4. Take a long draw from your vaporizer.
  5. Have your lip make contact with the glass drink as though you’re drinking, and gently exhale the vapor into the glass. 
  6. The vapor will linger on top of the liquid, creating a magical effect. 

Ghost Inhale

The name may be frightening. But there’s nothing spooky about the ghost inhale. 

Also known as the snap inhale or the mushroom cloud, the ghost inhales a trick that creates a Casper-like vapor ball. It may often be followed by an actual act of sipping the vapor back in.

How to Perform

  1. Take a long drag from your vaporizer.
  2. Now hold the vapor in your mouth for a couple of seconds.
  3. Gently release the vapor in the shape of a ball. 

To make the ball shape, open your mouth and stick out your lips such that they resemble an O-shape, and then close your mouth immediately. 

Be sure not to force the vapor. The gentler you release the vapor, the more spooktacular ghosts you’ll be able to conjure. 

Vape Bending

Vape bending entails spreading your O’s around the room to create a cloudy spectacle. It’s one of the most straightforward beginner vaping techniques you can pull. 

What makes vape bending even more fun is that there’s no limit to how far or creatively you can push your O’s. For instance, you could curl the O’s such that they all lead in a particular direction. 

Remember that you’ll need VG-based e-juices to pull this trick. These are e-liquids formulated with a higher percentage of vegetable glycerin, the e-juice ingredient known to enhance vapor production.

How to Perform

  1. Take a draw from your vaporizer.
  2. Exhale one thick O-ring.
  3. Try to force the air while ensuring your palms are open and your fingers are close to one another.

The airflow directed towards the O-ring will make the ring fly in whichever direction you desire.

Final Word

Whichever vaping technique you choose to practice, try not to be carried away so much that you end up vaping in excess. Remember, vaping is only cooler, safer, and healthier if done in moderation.

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