After years of inaction against adtech, UK’s ICO calls for browser-level controls to fix ‘cookie fatigue’

After years of inaction against adtech, UK’s ICO calls for browser-level controls to fix ‘cookie fatigue’

In a setback quasi newest headed ‘do not track’, the head of data protection the UK has supported the setting level of the browser and / or device to allow internet users to set preferences cookie “durable” – suggest this as a fix for a barrage of pop-up agreements that continue to infest web sites in the region Users European web digest this development in the story of the regulations does not change monotonically, should be forgiven – not only for the taste of déjà vu they might experience – but also to wonder if they have never been mocked / gaslit enough where cookie consent worried.

Last month, the Minister for Digital UK Oliver Dowde aiming for what he called the parade “endless” pop-up Cookie – Advise the Government aiming adjustment requirements around the web tracking as ministers consider how to deviate from EU data protection standards, post-brexit. (He is scheduled to present a full sweep of the plan “reform” the government later this month so watch this space Today the Information Commissioner Out of England, Elizabeth Denham, stepped into the Fray to urge his colleagues in the G7 to knock heads together and unite the idea to let web users express privacy preferences generic level browser / applications / devices, rather than having to do this via a pop-up every time they visit the website.

In a statement announcing “an idea” he would attend this week during a virtual meeting fellow data protection G7 and the authority of privacy – much less explained in a press release as “on how to improve the mechanism cookie consent today, making web browsing more smoothly and more friendly business while better protecting personal data “- Denham said:” I often hear people say they are tired of being involved with so many pop-up cake. Fatigue it leads to people giving more personal data than they wanted.

“The mechanism of Cookie also far from ideal for businesses and other organizations that run the web site, because it is expensive and can lead to a poor user experience. While I wish the business comply with the law this time, my office to encourage international collaboration to bring practical solutions in this area There are almost two billion websites out there that take into account the privacy preferences of the world. No country can handle this problem alone. That’s why I called the fellow G7 me to use the power of our vows. Together we can engage with technology companies and standards organizations to develop a coordinated approach to this challenge, “he added.

Contacted for more about the “Idea”, the spokesman for the ICO to cancel the words thus: “Instead of trying to change with nearly 2 billion web sites, the idea is that legislators and regulators can turn their attention to the browser, apps, and the device through which the user accesses the web “In place of approval click-through at the web site, users can express their privacy preferences lasting and generic through a browser, application software and device settings – allowing them to manage and update your preferences at a frequency of their choice rather than on every website they visit . “

Of course, the signal ‘do not track’ browser ‘(DNT) is not a new idea. About a decade old at this time. Indeed, it could be called an idea that can not die because it was never really alive – because previous attempts at pinning to user privacy preferences in the browser settings entered by the lack of industry support But the approach Denham advocate, vis-a-vis the preferences “immortal”, may actually slightly different with DNT – remember his call to fellow regulators to engage with the technology industry, and the “standards organizations”, and come up with solutions “practical” and “business friendly “to the problem of pop-up cookie regional internet.

It is not clear what the practical consensus or, ER, only pro-industry – probably resulting from this call. If there are Indeed, today’s press release may be B

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