COVID-19 casts bleak shadow over New Year celebrations, again

COVID-19 casts bleak shadow over New Year celebrations, again

Covid-19 will inhibit new year celebrations around the world for the second year that runs on Friday, with the government in many countries in a hurry to reduce the celebration in an effort to load rampant transmission.

Global Coronavirus infection reached a record high of the last seven days, with nearly one million cases detected on average every day between 23 and 29 December, around 100,000 rose at the previous peak posted on Wednesday, according to Reuters data.

Many countries registered the highest all time 24 hours earlier, including Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, the United States, France and Italy, as an Omicron variant which all conquered such fire.

Although research has suggested it was less deadly than some of the previous variants, many health authorities did not take risks, notify the best ways to see in 2022 in the house with very few guests – preferably all vaccinations.

In Europe, where nearly one million people have died of Coronavirus for the past 12 months, traditional concerts and fireworks shows that usually attract thousands of people to canceled in most major cities, including London, Paris, Warsaw, Warsaw, Warsaw and Rome .

Indian authorities began to impose strict rules on Thursday to prevent mass meetings, with hours of night which apply in all major cities and restaurants ordered to limit customers.

“It is seen that social meetings occur in a way that is not limited to people who violate all social distance norms,” ​​said Rajesh Tope, the Minister of Health of the West State Maharashtra where Mumbai is the capital.

Bulk cancellation:

Earlier this week, the Director General of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus urged people to rethink their party plans. “It’s better to cancel now and celebrate it later, rather than celebrating it now and sad later,” he said.

However, even though there are cases of nail, some places plowing forward with events, including Sydney, the first big city to lead in the new year, which is the host of his spectacular annual fireworks on the Opera and Bridge Halls.

Last year, the country injured a crowd from attending fireworks, when the number of cases was under the 100s, compared with more than 12,000 new infections reported on Thursday.

Likewise, New York said he would hold the Times Square party, although in a scale-back version, with far fewer people were allowed to watch as an icon, a giant ball dropped the pole to mark the arrival of 2022.

Infectious disease officials. Gather Anthony Fauci said on Wednesday that a family meeting where everyone was vaccinated must be fine, but warned that large-scale parties were still too dangerous.

“If your plan will go to the 40-to-50 new year’s night party with all the bells and whistles, and everyone hugs and kisses and hopes each other’s new year, I would highly recommend that this year we did not do that, “He said.

Many people have taken a warning to the heart, leaving restaurants and hotels to calculate mass cancellation costs.

The reservations canceled in the Spanish capital will cost the hospitality industry around 350 million euros, 3% of annual income, said Jose Antonio Aparicio, President Hosteleria Madrid, an industrial association.

In Italy, the owner of the restaurant and the club called for urgent government support, saying 25% -30% of new year-year dinner reservations have been withdrawn.

“December … the one himself contributed 10% of restaurant revenues, mostly compromised,” said Group Business Fipe-Confcommercio.

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