For countries that relax covid-19 sidewalks, whose warnings

For countries that relax covid-19 sidewalks, whose warnings

A number of countries have removed the restrictions carried out after the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic. Since the onset, the virus mutated several times, resulting in a wave of a deadly proven infection. The deadly wave is led by the Delta variant, which sees the many deaths. Then came the omicron variant, and the world stopped again.
However, in recent weeks, some scientists who studied the Omicron variant said that it did not lead to life-threatening infections. This causes open calls from various corners of the world, and the government instructs limiting easing.

But the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned against making this decision in a hurry.

“We are aware of this desire to open, this desire to return to normal. But if that desire to return to normal, in that sense, will keep this pandemic forward than longer, then we really need to think about it,” WHO Executive Director Mike Ryan’s program said on the briefing on Thursday.

“I really think that in some situations, political pressure now to open and remove all restrictions of all types so high so that we can exceed the foundation and we can end in situations where – and again, I recognize uncertainty. I’m not sure it will happen and I did not predict it it would happen but I was a little nervous now that we kind of raised everything, “he heard said in a video tweet by who was the official handle.

He said that if people were hit by another variant and all steps had been abandoned, it would be very difficult to return anything.

The Who’s Covid-19 Technical Lead Maria Van Kerkhove, who was also present at the direction, echoed similar sentiments.

“The problem is we have seen too many countries such as raising everything and then put it back, while other countries really take the approach of this slow step. And what we see today, we hear in news countries that raise everything . In some countries, they are in a better position to be able to do that because they have a high level of vaccination coverage, high population level immune levels and they have the ability to adjust, “he said.

“But in many countries, it is not recommended to lift everything at once. We only need to have a country that does not do this or not at all approaches because it is confusing. And I do not blame anyone out there who are confused. But what is important to you To hear there, which I hope to be empowered, is that you have control of this, “he added.

Official statements Who came in the midst of improvements to orders given by several governments throughout the world. Portugal, Japan and Israel are the latest to drop the Covid-19 limit. The Swiss government has raised almost all the restrictions of Coronavirus, while Canada and Singapore said it would immediately raise travel restrictions.

In India, Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan sent a letter to all state governments and the Union administrator on Wednesday, asking them to review and change or end additional restrictions Covid-19, by saying that a pandemic showed a continuous decreased trend in this country.

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