In the first one, Russia said more than 450 troops were killed in Ukraine since the invasion

In the first one, Russia said more than 450 troops were killed in Ukraine since the invasion

The Russian Ministry of Defense said more than 2,870 Ukrainian and “nationalist” forces were killed and nearly 3,700 were injured since the commencement of his military campaign against neighbors, the former Soviet state.

In the first since the Russian invasion to Ukraine last week, Moscow came with the victim of his troops. As many as 498 Russian soldiers died on the battlefield in Ukraine, while 1,597 others suffered injuries, said Ria Ria News Agency on Wednesday.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said more than 2,870 Ukrainian and “nationalist” forces were killed and nearly 3,700 were injured since the commencement of his military campaign against neighbors, the former Soviet state.

Full coverage of Russian-Ukrainian conflict here

Foreign institutions that reported victims quoting Russian media, however, said the number could not be independently verified and there were no direct comments from Ukraine.

The conflict between the two countries intensified on the seventh day with Russia claimed to have taken control of the city of Ukraine – Kherson which was quite large. Located near the Black Sea, Kherson is the port city of Eastern European countries, and according to Global Map – close to Moldova.

The big bomb defines Kharkiv – the second largest Ukrainian city, with a similar situation seen in the capital city of Kyiv. Ukraine said Russian troops attacked civilians, knocked down the administrative buildings, residential areas and kindergartens.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelskyy, who actively replaced his people to remain strong after the invasion, asked the global Jewish community to speak after Russian air strikes destroyed the main television tower in the Pig Yar district on Tuesday. The incident led to the death of five people and injured five others.

The President also claimed the Ukrainian army killed more than 6,000 Russian soldiers since the invasion began.

Meanwhile, the Russian and Ukrainian delegation was scheduled to hold a second round truce talks on Thursday morning. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs tweeted a few moments ago that “Hunter’s House is ready” to host delegates. Reuters reported that the Russian Army provided a security corridor for the Ukrainian delegation.

Previously on that day, Zelensky said negotiations could only continue between the two countries if Russia first stopped the bombing in Ukraine.

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