More Restrictions, Fifth Jab: How Europe Is Dealing With Omicron Surge

More Restrictions, Fifth Jab: How Europe Is Dealing With Omicron Surge

Brussels: The European Union approved the fifth Covid-19 vaccine Monday, increasing the battle against the omicron virus virus as people who called for greater efforts to ensure the pandemic ended next year.
Europe is far before the other parts of the world with the launch of the vaccine and booster shots, but the Omicron variant has helped a surge of fuel casts, forcing back to several countries.

Despite the indication that Omicron is no worse than the dominant Delta variant, the initial data shows it can be more contagious and may have a higher resistance to the vaccine.

Because it was first reported in South Africa in November, Omicron was identified in dozens of countries, expectations of the worst pandemic had ended.

But US President Joe Biden said Monday that he did not plan to “lock the country down”.

WHO Director General of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called on the nations to repeat efforts to end the pandemic, calling for the new year’s event to be canceled because it was better to “celebrate it now and grieve later.

“We must focus now by ending this pandemic,” he said.

More restrictions

London on Monday announced it had canceled the New Year’s Eve program at the Central Trafalgar Field for 6,500 people.

Paris has canceled the celebration of the New Year and Germany is expected to launch strict restrictions on the private sector and close the nightclub, according to a proposal seen by AFP.

“New Year’s Eve celebrations with a large number of people cannot be justified in the current situation,” read draft documents.

German government advisors have urged more stringent restrictions throughout the board, with experts in several countries warning repeatedly that vaccination will not be enough to stop omicrons.

Morocco has announced a ban on blankets at the celebration of New Year’s Eve.

But British Prime Minister Boris Johnson ruled out further tightening of the Rules of the British Coronavirus during Christmas, while promising to maintain the situation “under a constant review”.

Queen Elizabeth II although understood has canceled plans to spend Christmas in the land of Sandringham and vice versa will take “reasonable precautions” and stay at Windsor Castle, according to British Media.

The Netherlands had imposed Christmas locking and the Head of Ursula Von Der Leyen had warned that Omicron variants could be dominant in Europe in mid-January.

EU authorization from Jab from US company Novavaks, which uses more conventional technology than other Covid vaccines, has raised hope that people worry about being vaccinated now.

This is the fifth vaccine approved in the block after a shot from Pfizer, Modera, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, and the EU has signed an agreement to buy up to 200 million doses of two-shot vaccine vaccines.

“When the Omicron variant spreads quickly … I am very happy with today’s authorization of the Novavax vaccine,” Von Der Leyen said in a statement.


When a pandemic collects steps, the tired population is faced once again with a new round of restrictions and cancellations of the big event.

The World Economic Forum said it was delayed his world’s rich annual January visit and was strong at the Swiss Ski Resort Davos because of the new variant.

“Apart from the tight health protocol meeting, the transmission of Omicron and its impact on trips and mobility has made a necessary suspension,” WEF said Monday.

The Ministry of Health Israel recommends prohibiting citizens from traveling to the United States, and adding several European countries to the covid “red list”.

The world of sports continues to be included by a virus that spreads with several English Premier League soccer teams that record outbreaks that force the game abandoned in the past few days.

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