Russia-Ukraine crisis: UNSC drops ‘war’, ‘invasion’ from first statement, terms it a ‘dispute’

Russia-Ukraine crisis: UNSC drops ‘war’, ‘invasion’ from first statement, terms it a ‘dispute’

The UN Security Council on Friday in a round voice adopted its first statement about Ukraine since the Russian military action began on February 24, stating “strong support” for the efforts of Secretary General Antonio Guterres to find a peaceful solution to “disputes” for 10 weeks.

The short statement of the president agreed at a very short council meeting on Friday did not mention “war,” conflict “or” invasion “because many board members called the ongoing Russian military action, or” special military operations “as Moscow referred to him. That’s because Russia, who has the power of Veto on the council, has blocked all previous efforts to adopt a presidential statement that requires round votes or resolution.

On the contrary, the statement “expressed his deep concern regarding the maintenance of Ukraine’s peace and security” and “reminded that all member countries have been carried out, under the United Nations Charter, the obligation to resolve their international disputes in a peaceful manner.”

“The Security Council expressed strong support for the efforts of the Secretary General in finding a peaceful solution,” the statement said, and asked Guterres to give direction to members “in time.”

During Recent Visits to Moscow and Kyiv, Guterres reached an agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for the Evacation of Civilians, First and Foremost from the Iteeged Southeastern. Survived with hundreds of civilians in the underground bunker.

The United Nations and the International Red Cross Committee have carried out two successful evacuations from Mariapol and the surrounding area so far, and are currently in Marieupol regulating the third evacuation of a steel factory.

Reacting to the council’s statement, Guterres said: “Today, for the first time, the Security Council spoke with one vote for peace in Ukraine.”
“As I often say, the world must gather to silence weapons and uphold the values ​​of the UN Charter,” Secretary General said in a statement.

UN Ambassador Norwegian Mona Juul and UN Ambassador Mexican Ambassador Juan Ramon de la Fuente Ramirez, whose countries compiled a council statement, called the first step that was important for diplomatic efforts to end the war.

“Millions of Ukraine people really need protection and humanitarian assistance,” said Juul. “It is important that the UN Secretary General has the full support of the Security Council for its efforts to the peaceful solution for the war in Ukraine.

De la Fuente Ramirez said the adoption of a statement in a round voice “showed that the Security Council was united in supporting the United Nations and Secretary General in finding diplomatic solutions.” This council is mandated under the UN Charter to maintain international peace and security and has been greatly criticized since the Russian invasion of paralysis and inherent.
Asked about criticism that a minimum statement takes more than two months to agree and only support Guterres, the Mexican Ambassador said there must be a beginning somewhere. He said the approval of the statement “at least showed the will” to continue the efforts of the Secretary General

Guterres told the council on Thursday that “in this hyper-communication period, diplomacy was secretly possible and sometimes the only effective way to produce results,” a point supported by the Ambassador of Norwegian and Mexico.

In contrast to the Security Council, whose resolution is legally binding but can be vice.

This has allowed the General Assembly to approve several resolutions, which do have an influence as a reflection of world opinions.

On March 2, the assembly chose 141-5 with 35 Abstensi supporting resolutions that demanded a direct Russian ceasefire, withdrawing all troops and their protection for all civilians. With a similar vote on March 24, he approved a resolution of 140-5 with 38 Abstensi to blame Russia for the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and urged the ceasefire and immediate protection for millions of civilians and homes, schools and hospitals that are critical of their survival.

The General Assembly votes with a smaller margin-93-24 with 58 April 7 April to suspend Russia from the United States-based Human Rights Council and Ukraine has summoned war crimes.

In the next step, Guterres is scheduled to make two days of visits to Ukraine neighbors, Moldova, starting on Monday to “express its solidarity and thank Moldova for his firm support for peace, and for the generosity of his people in opening their hearts and homes for almost Half a million Ukraine refugees, “said UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric.

Guterres has called for the creation of a humanitarian committee consisting of Russia, Ukraine, the United Nations and ICRC to coordinate the delivery of assistance and evacuation and Dujarric said the Head of the UN Humanity Martin Griffiths would go to Turkey on Monday to discuss with his authority how they could support such an initiative.

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