“Sorry. Will fix”: Boris Johnson about Lockdown-Breaching’s party

“Sorry. Will fix”: Boris Johnson about Lockdown-Breaching’s party

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday apologized after his government was criticized because of the “failure of leadership and judgment” in allowing parties to violate locking in his office.

Johnson’s position has been hung by Utas because of the steady droplets of revelations since the end of last year, but he was given a lifeline last week when the police stepped in.

“Sorry for the things we did not get properly and also sorry for the way this problem was handled,” Johnson told MPs in Parliament.

He swore “to continue the work” even though there was a widespread political and public anger and called him to stop or be forced out.

“I understand and I will fix it,” he added, promising changes to sweeping into their street surgery after criticism of the lack of accountability and managerial supervision.

The police probe means that Senior Civil Servants Sue Gray was forced to avoid details in a long-awaited report of around 16 events held in 2020 and last year, so as not to disrupt Scottish page investigations.

But Gray still manages a strand of stinging the authority of the Prime Minister, with the contrast of the behavior of government officials with the sacrifice made by the public during a pandemic.

“Too little thought” has been given about how appropriate Boozy’s events and will be seen when other people are stuck on the rules, cannot entertain people who are loved and dying with Covid.

“There are leadership failures and assessments by various parts No. 10 (Downing Street) and cabinet offices at different times,” Gray wrote in the 12-page report.

“Some events should not be allowed to take place. Other events should not be allowed to develop as they did.”

Gray questioned more than 70 individuals and checked e-mail, whatsapp and text messages, photos and log in and out.

He condemned “excessive” drinking at Downing Street, as well as expansion of heavy prime minister’s office in recent years which has a runaway accountability line.

‘Man without shame’

Johnson’s opponent accused him of misleading parliament by insisting on the events at Downing Street in the rules at the time and related to work.

Ministers who are found misleading Members of Parliament are usually expected to resign.

In an angry exchange at the Commons house, Johnson urged all parties to wait for the findings of the metropolitan police themselves.

But Keep Starmer’s opposition workers said the fact that 12 out of 16 parties, including one in Johnson’s own flat, subject to police investigations was “shame”.

“He is a man without shame,” said the former Prosecutor Chair said, urged Johnson’s conservative cabinet allies to overthrow him instead of “supporting further violations, covering and deception”.

Week Revelation in British media since December has seen leaky photos and emails that show repeated violations of the social distance rules set by the government for the country.

They include a cocktail party on May 2020 in the street park, as well as Christmas celebrations, and also triggered before Pangeran Philip’s funeral in April.

Details of the incident, where staff reported carrying suitcases filled with alcohol and dancing until small hours, causing anger considering social warnings.

Eternal image of the funeral is Queen Elizabeth II, sitting alone in the chapel at Windsor Castle, lamenting her husband 73 years old.

Downing Street then apologized to the king.

Breathing space

Wahyu has caused the biggest threat to Johnson’s position since he became Prime Minister in 2019 on a wave of support for his Brexit populist agenda.

A number of parliamentarians of their own conservative party are in a note saying they have no trust in their leadership. More expected to join them.

Fifty-Four Tory MPS is needed to force sound without trust but many keep their advice until the gray report comes out.

Former International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell joined the conservative rebels, notifying Johnson in Parliament he no longer supported him.

But with Gray’s limited reports in the scope, and the police investigation has the potential to take place for months, Johnson has been given the opportunity to restore his supporters and return to the front foot.

In the last few days he had spoken loudly against Russia in boiling tensions with Ukraine, and wanted to push with his post-brexit agenda.

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