Sri Lanka acting President Wickremesinghe declares emergency

Sri Lanka acting President Wickremesinghe declares emergency

Acting President Sri Lanka Ranil Wickremesinghe has stated an emergency, according to government notification released on Sunday night, when his government tried to extinguish social riots and overcome the economic crisis that gripped the island state. “This is wise, to be done, for the sake of public security, protection of public order and maintenance of inventory and services that are important for people’s lives,” said the notification.

President Sri Lanka who was overthrown by Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who fled abroad this week to escape from the popular rebellion against his government, said he took “all possible steps” to prevent the economic crisis that had hit the island state.

Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s resignation was received by parliament on Friday. He flew to the Maldives and then Singapore after hundreds of thousands of anti-government protesters came out to the streets of Kolombo a week ago and occupied his official residence and office.

Sri Lanka Parliament met on Saturday to start the process of choosing a new president, and delivery of fuel arrived to provide assistance to the crisis country.

Mr. Wickremesinghe, an ally of Mr. Rajapaksa, is one of the top competitors to take full -time presidency but the protesters also want to leave, which leads to the prospect of further riots if he is chosen.

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