Taliban Talks In Doha Were “Candid And Professional”: US

Taliban Talks In Doha Were “Candid And Professional”: US

Washington The United States said on Sunday the first face-to- face meeting between agingU.S. and Taliban functionaries since the cast-iron group reacquired power in Afghanistan was” candid and professional”and that theU.S. side reiterated that the Taliban would be judged on their address, not just their words State Department mouth Ned Price said theU.S. delegation in the weekend addresses in Doha, Qatar, centered on security and terrorism businesses and safe passage forU.S. citizens, other foreign citizens and Afghans, as well as on earthborn rights, including the meaningful participation of women and girls in all aspects of Afghan society He said the two sides also agitated”the United States’ provision of robust altruistic aid, directly to the Afghan people.”

“The colloquies were candid and professional with theU.S. delegation reiterating that the Taliban will be judged on its bearing, not only its words,” Price said in a statement It didn’t say if any agreements were reached On Saturday, Qatar- grounded Al Jazeera box quoted Afghanistan’s acting foreign minister as saying that Taliban representatives asked theU.S. side to lift a ban on Afghan central bank reserves It said the minister, Amir Khan Muttaqi, also said Washington would offer Afghans coronavirus vaccines and that the two sides argued” opening a new express”between the two countries.

Biden administration officers told Reuters on Friday theU.S. delegation would press the Taliban to release abducted American Mark Frerichs. Another top right-of-way would be to hold the Taliban to their commitment not to allow Afghanistan to again turn a seedbed for al Qaeda or other revolutionists The Taliban took back power in Afghanistan in August, fair 20 stretches after they were ousted in aU.S.- led descent for refusing to hand over al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden following theSept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.

TheU.S. functionaries said the weekend meeting was a ceaselessness of” earthy engagements”with the Taliban and”not about granting recognition or conferring lawfulness”to the group U.S. functionaries say they’re in contact with dozens of Americans and legal dateless dwellers who wish to leave Afghanistan and there are thousands ofU.S.- banded Afghans at hazard of Taliban persecution still in the country.

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