“Trying To Look Like Animals”: Taliban On Women Without Hijab

“Trying To Look Like Animals”: Taliban On Women Without Hijab

Kabul: Taliban Religious Police have installed posters throughout the city of South Afghan Kandahar who said that Muslim women who do not wear Islamic hijabs that fully cover their bodies “try to look like animals”, an official who was confirmed on Thursday.
Since winning power in August, the Taliban has imposed strong restrictions on Afghan women, returning the marginal benefits they produced for two decades since the US invaded the country and overthrow the previous group regimes.

In May, the highest leader of the country and the Head of the Taliban Hibatullah Akhundzada agreed to a decision that said that women generally had to live at home.

They were ordered to cover themselves completely, including their faces, if they had to go out in public.

This week, the feared Taliban service for the promotion of virtue and prevention of representatives, which imposed strict interpretations of the group about Islam, put up posters throughout the city of Kandahar that showed a picture of Burqas, a type of clothing that covered a woman’s body from head to toe.

Muslim women who do not wear headscarves try to look like animals,” said the poster, who had been slapped in many cafes and shops and in the accumulation of advertisements in all Kandahar – the center of the power of De facto Taliban.

Wearing short, tight and transparent clothes also contrary to Akhundzada’s decision, the poster -poster said.

Ministerial spokesman in the Kabul capital cannot be reached to be asked for comments, but a local official confirms that the posters were installed.

We have installed these posters and women whose faces are not covered (in public) we will tell their families and take steps in accordance with the decision,” Abdul Rahman Tayebi, Head of the Ministry in Kandahar, told AFP.

The Decree of Akhundzada’s decision ordered the authority to warn and even suspend from the government’s work of the relatives of women who did not comply.

Outside Kabul, Burqa, what is used is mandatory for women under the first task of the Taliban in power, is common.

On Wednesday, the Head of the United Nations Rights Michelle Bachelet condemned the Hardline Islamic Government because of the “systematic oppression of institutionalized” against women.

“Their situation is very important,” he said.

After returning to power, the Taliban has promised a softer version of their previously loud government system, upheld from 1996 to 2001.

But since August, many restrictions have been imposed on women.

Tens of thousands of girls have been closed from secondary schools, while women have been prohibited from returning to many government work.

Women have also been prohibited from traveling alone and can only visit public parks in the capital on days when men are not permitted.

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